Monthly Archives: November 2013

Paris est belle!

Looking over the city from Sacre Coeur

Looking over the city from Sacre Coeur

As it transpires, I took an overwhelming amount of photos while wandering the streets of Paris.  As I work my way through them, I now realise that it must have really tested the patience of my girlfriend’s family (thanks guys).

I have decided to break the post up into two.  I just had way too many photos to put into one post.  The first consists of photos from around the city with a lot taken near Sacré-Cœur.  The second will primarily focus on the Eiffel Tower with a couple of shots of the Arc de Triomphe as well.

Sacre Coeur

Sacré-Cœur Basilica

Sacré-Cœur Basilica, commonly know simply as Sacré-Cœur is an incredible Roman Catholic church situated at the top of Montmarte.   Construction began in 1875 however it wasn’t completed until 1914.

Guarding the entrances to the church two impressive equestrian figures representing King Saint Louis and Saint Joan of Arc.

Saint Joan of Arc

Saint Joan of Arc

King Saint Louis

King Saint Louis

Saint Joan of Arc

Saint Joan of Arc

On Montmarte, leading up to Sacré-Cœur, is a really cool square with several artists peddling their work.  The artwork includes portraits of nearly any style, cityscapes and attractions just to name a few.

Artist working to a great backdrop

Artist working to a great backdrop

Ahhh...the music of Paris!!

Ahhh…the music of Paris!!

Blue Window

Eventually we ventured towards another very famous building.  Along the way we came across a cool collection of fountains.

Elephant Fountain

Mermaid Fountain

Next to the fountains was an impressive bit of artwork.


There is certainly no shortage of impressive buildings, statues, windmills and of course quirky buskers.

Unknown Chuch


One of the most famous buildings in Paris is definitely Notre Dame de Paris or Notre Dame Cathedral.  Translated as ‘Our Lady of Paris’, this incredible building is situated on the Île de la Cité in the heart of Paris.

Notre Dame de Paris

Completed in 1345, it is 69 metres (226ft) tall at the towers with it’s spire;
The spire looms

reaching 90 metres (300ft).  A supreme example of French Gothic architecture, it took almost 200 years to erect.  It’s almost impossible to walk around this building an not be overcome with awe.

Simply incredible.

Simply incredible.


The Season Begins!

A pic from my instagram @jta85.  Feel free to follow me

A pic from my instagram @jta85. Feel free to follow me

The season has begun.  Whistler Blackcomb opened about two weeks early and although it’s early season conditions up there, it is definitely a  lot of fun.  I have only had one day up there so far as I am currently procrastinating in a big way.

ProcrastinateHopefully I can complete my assignment tonight and will notch day two up tomorrow.  Hopefully the next Paris post will be up by tomorrow as well.  Thanks for your patience!

A building or two in Paris

Paris Archi 2 signedParis is a truly incredible city in many ways, as I am sure everyone will know if they have been there.  So much old architecture still standing.  Nearly every street I walked down had an impressive building of some sort.  Of course there are the many famous ones that define the Paris cityscape.

One of my favourite buildings out there!

One of my favourite buildings out there!

What impressed me however, was that even the apartment blocks and regular buildings were incredible.  From the doors,

Blue Door signed

to the windows with their gardens,

Everyone still has a garden

to the amazing brick buildings and all the chimney stacks,

Brick building B&W signed

Brick top signed

to the practical corner buildings,

Paris A 3 signed

to the curved streets

Paris Archi1 copy

and the straight,

Ongoing Street signed

it’s hard not to love this place.


Southwell Star Trails

Looking over the old barn where I am staying

Looking over the old barn where I am staying

After my post yesterday I sat down to edit my Paris shots and noticed that the sky was mostly clear which it has been for nearly all of the trip.

My bedroom window

My bedroom window

I decided to put the editing on pause while I set about attempting to take a couple of star trails.  Let me know what you think.

Star Trail over Barn

I tried something a little different here. What do you think?

I tried something a little different here. What do you think?


Paris est à venir

As I sit in this amazing old converted barn in Southwell, Nottinghamshire I am getting more and more excited about heading back to Whistler as it seems that winter is arriving.  It will be sad to say goodbye to the family, it has been incredible catching up with everyone and enjoying a lot quality time, however we must look forward and the good news is, the season is approaching quickly.  In the meantime I am slowly sorting through the ridiculous number of photos I have taken on this holiday.  Currently I am working through Paris and hope to have a post up over the next day or so.  While you wait here is a sneak preview of what is to come.

Arc de Triomphe

Arc de Triomphe

Sacre Coeur

Looking over the city from Sacre Coeur

Looking over the city from Sacre Coeur

Notre Dame looms over the Île de la Cité

Notre Dame looms over the Île de la Cité